322 research outputs found

    Swarm-based Intelligent Routing (SIR) - a new approach for efficient routing in content centric delay tolerant networks

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    This paper introduces Swarm-based Intelligent Routing (SIR), a swarm intelligence based approach used for routing content in content centric Pocket Switched Networks. We first formalize the notion of optimal path in DTN, then introduce a swarm intelligence based routing protocol adapted to content centric DTN that use a publish/subscribe communication paradigm. The protocol works in a fully decentralized way in which nodes do not have any knowledge about the global topology. Nodes, via opportunistic contacts, update utility functions which synthesizes their spatio-temporal proximity from the content subscribers. This individual behavior applied by each node leads to the collective formation of gradient fields between content subscribers and content providers. Therefore, content routing simply sums up to follow the steepest slope along these gradient fields to reach subscribers who are located at the minima of the field. Via real traces analysis and simulation, we demonstrate the existence and relevance of such gradient field and show routing performance improvements when compared to classical routing protocols previously defined for information routing in DTN

    Pervasive intelligent routing in content centric delay tolerant networks

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    This paper introduces a Swarm-Intelligence based Routing protocol (SIR) that aims to efficiently route information in content centric Delay Tolerant Networks (CCDTN) also dubbed pocket switched networks. First, this paper formalizes the notion of optimal path in CCDTN and introduces an original and efficient algorithm to process these paths in dynamic graphs. The properties and some invariant features of these optimal paths are analyzed and derived from several real traces. Then, this paper shows how optimal path in CCDTN can be found and used from a fully distributed swarm-intelligence based approach of which the global intelligent behavior (i.e. shortest path discovery and use) emerges from simple peer to peer interactions applied during opportunistic contacts. This leads to the definition of the SIR routing protocol of which the consistency, efficiency and performances are demonstrated from intensive representative simulations

    How mobility increases mobile cloud computing processing capacity

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    In this paper, we address a important and still unanswered question in mobile cloud computing ``how mobility impacts the distributed processing power of network and computing clouds formed from mobile ad-hoc networks ?''. Indeed, mobile ad-hoc networks potentially offer an aggregate cloud of resources delivering collectively processing, storage and networking resources. We demonstrate that the mobility can increase significantly the performances of distributed computation in such networks. In particular, we show that this improvement can be achieved more efficiently with mobility patterns that entail a dynamic small-world network structure on the mobile cloud. Moreover, we show that the small-world structure can improve significantly the resilience of mobile cloud computing services

    Source to source compiler for the automatic parallelization of JavaScript code

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    This work focuses on the development of a source-to-source compiler for the automatic parallelization of JavaScript code. The proposed compiler transforms the input code to an AST (Abstract syntax tree). Afterward, we applied a dependence analysis, followed by fusion and fission techniques. As a later part, new portions of code are inserted to parallelize specific sections of the original program. From the modified AST obtained, we return a new JavaScript code. From our experimentations, we can conclude that our solution reduces the execution time by parallelizing loops, but only if they do not use significant amounts of data, and the complexity of them is not concentrated in a small number of iterations

    O enriquecimento ambiental como estratégia neuroprotetora na hipóxia-isquemia encefálica neonatal : a função da barreira hematoencefálica e o perfil neuroinflamatório no hipocampo de ratos

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    Inúmeras estratégias neuroprotetoras vêm sendo desenvolvidas para o tratamento da encefalopatia neonatal causada pela hipóxia-isquemia (HI). O enriquecimento ambiental (EA) é uma ferramenta que propicia interação social, estimulação visual, sensorial e atividade física de forma espontânea e assim induz mudanças comportamentais e neurofisiológicas. O objetivo desta tese foi investigar os efeitos do EA em relação à estrutura e expressão de proteínas constituintes da barreira hematoencefálica (BHE) e parâmetros bioquímicos de citocinas neuroinflamatórias no hipocampo em fases subsequentes do desenvolvimento. Ainda, o escopo comportamental desta tese foi analisar o efeito do EA precoce sobre a ansiedade demonstrada por ratos adultos submetidos à HI. Para tanto, ratos Wistar machos e fêmeas, no 7º dia pós-natal (DPN), foram submetidos ao modelo de Levine-Rice de HI neonatal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: CTAP (controle ambiente padrão), CTAE (controle ambiente enriquecido), HIAP (hipóxia-isquemia ambiente padrão) e HIAE (hipóxia-isquemia ambiente enriquecido). Os animais dos grupos EA permaneceram no enriquecimento ambiental mantido desde o 8º DPN. Após o desmame os animais foram divididos em grupos e estimulados no EA (1 h/dia por 5 semanas). Análises da expressão de proteínas estruturantes da BHE no hipocampo (β-catenina, ocludina, conexina-43, aquaporina-4, transportador de glicose 1 - Glut-1 e proteína fibrilar glial ácida - GFAP) foram quantificadas através de Western Blotting (WB) Observamos a permeabilidade e integridade da BHE através da coloração com azul de Evans e também foi realizada imuno-histoquímica para GFAP na região 1 do corno de Ammon - CA1 do hipocampo no 22º e 60º DPN. Realizamos análises da expressão das citocinas inflamatórias fator de necrose tumoral alfa - TNF-α e interleucina 1 beta - IL-1β, juntamente com análise imuno-histoquímica para marcação de microglia ativada na fase adulta de animais HI submetidos ao EA. Ademais, foram avaliados os efeitos da HI e do EA sobre a ansiedade no primeiro dia de exposição dos animais ao labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE) e no teste claro/escuro (TCE). Os nossos dados mostraram que o EA foi efetivo para reverter as alterações causadas pela HI aumentando a expressão de ocludina no 22º DPN e de β- catenina e GFAP no 60º DPN e diminuindo o extravasamento de azul de Evans. No 8º DPN não há alteração na BHE, sendo sugestivo de imaturidade da BHE. A avaliação imuno-histoquímica de IbA-1 demonstra ativação microglial após HI e o perfil bioquímico apresenta grande expressão das citocinas IL-1β e TNF-α em animais hipóxico-isquêmicos estimulados em EA. Através dos níveis de ansiedade encontrados, podemos estabelecer que o EA favorece uma ação menos impulsiva reduzindo o comportamento de risco dos animais após a HI. Assim, nossos resultados contribuíram para a compreensão do mecanismo da HI, visto que apresentamos de forma singular que o EA é eficaz na recuperação da disfunção da BHE maximizando os efeitos neuroprotetores de IL-1β e TNF-α sobre aspectos comportamentais relacionados à ansiedade.Several neuroprotective strategies have been developed for the treatment of the neonatal encephalopathy caused by hypoxic ischemia (HI).The environmental enrichment (EE) is a strategy that propitiates social interaction, visual and sensorial stimulation, and physical activity spontaneously and, thus, it causes behavioral and neurophysiological changes. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of EE on the structure and expression of proteins in the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and biochemical parameters of neuroinflammatory cytokines in the hippocampus in subsequent developmental stages. Moreover, the behavioral scope of this thesis was to analyze the effect of early EE on anxiety expressed by adult rats. Male and female Wistar rats, PND 7, were submitted to the Levine-Rice model of neonatal HI. The animals were divided into four groups: CSE (control - standard environment), CEE (control - enriched environment), HISE (hypoxic ischemia - standard environment) and HIEE (hypoxic ischemia - enriched environment). The animals of the EE groups were kept in the environmental enrichment since PND 8. After weaning, the animals were divided into groups and exposed to the EE (1h a day for 5 weeks). Expression analyses of the BBB structural proteins in the hippocampus (β-catenin, occludin, connexin-43, aquaporin-4, Glut-1, and GFAP) were quantified by Western Blotting (WB) We observed the BBB permeability and integrity through Evans blue staining as well as immunohistochemistry for GFAP in the CA1 hippocampus region on PND 22, and 60. We performed analyzes of the expression of the inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β, together with immunohistochemical analysis for quantification of IbA-1 in the adult phase of HI animals submitted to EE.Furthermore, the effects of the HI and the EE on anxiety on the first day of exposition to the elevated plus maze test (EPM) and the light-dark box test (LDB) were assessed. Our data have shown that the HI reduces occludin expression on PND 22 and β-catenin and GFAP on PND 60along with the extravasation of Evans blue, indicating BBB dysfunction in these periods and reversion of the alterations by the EE. On PND 8, there is no BBB change, which is suggestive of BBB immaturity. The immunohistochemicalassessment of IbA-1 demonstrates microglial activation after HI and the biochemical profile shows great expression of IL-1β and TNF-α cytokines in hypoxic-ischemic animals stimulated in EE. Through the levels of anxiety found, we can establish that the EE favors a less impulsive behavior and reduces the anxiogenic factor of animals after HI. Thus, our results have contributed to the understanding of the HI mechanism; we presented in a unique way the recovery of the BBB dysfunction and the maximization of the neuroprotective effects of IL-1β and TNF-α on behavioral aspects related to anxiety of animals exposed to the EE after HI

    Tutoria y autoestima en estudiantes del V ciclo de primaria de la institución educativa N.º 16752 de Bagua, año 2020

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    Objetivo: Actualmente la tutoría juega un papel importante y determinante en el autoestima de los estudiantes dentro del aula, esto ayuda y conlleva a un mejor desenvolvimiento personal de los alumnos, al crear dicha confianza entre tutor y alumno ayuda al desarrollo cognitivo y emocional de los alumnos es por ello que el tutor es considerado como una figura a seguir. El papel que juega la tutoría en el desarrollo del autoestima es considerable primordial e importante dentro de las instituciones educativas por consecuente ese tema es punto de investigación para aplicar mejoras día a día. Objetivo: “Determinar la relación de la tutoría con el autoestima en estudiantes del V ciclo de primaria de la Institución Educativa N° 16752 de Bagua, año 2020”. Material y método: Realizado en la Institución Educativa N° 16752 de Bagua. La población estuvo conformada por 40 alumnos y la muestra por el total de la población que son 40 estudiantes de V ciclo de primaria de la Institución Educativa N.º 16752 de Bagua, año 2020. Tipo Descriptivo correlacional. El instrumento para medir la tutoría y el autoestima es la encuesta. Resultados y conclusiones: “La tutoría se relaciona directamente con el autoestima en estudiantes del V ciclo de primaria de la Institución Educativa N.º 16752 de Bagua, año 2020”, aceptándose la hipótesis alternativa y se rechaza la hipótesis nul

    Calculation of threshold Olsen P values for fertilizer response from soil properties

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    Phosphorus (P), a non-renewable resource, needs to be used more efficiently in agriculture. This requires using soil P tests. However, the P test threshold values for fertilizer response depend on many soil properties, some of which may be useful to estimate these threshold values, others not. Therefore, we searched here which soil properties are useful to estimate P threshold values. We calculated the threshold values for Olsen P and 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable P of 18 representative agricultural soils of the Mediterranean region of Spain. For that, we performed a P starvation experiment in which wheat and sunflower were alternatively pot-cropped. Results show that Olsen P threshold values are negatively correlated to P buffer capacity (r of −0.74, P lower than 0.001), clay content (−0.82, 0.001), pH (−0.76, 0.001), and Fe oxide content (−0.55, 0.05). Multiple regression models involving clay, pH or soil organic C, and phosphatase activity or organic hydrolysable P accounted for as much as 87 % of the variance in calculated Olsen P threshold values. In particular, there is a major effect of organic P on Olsen P threshold values. Single models based on routinely measured soil properties such as clay content and pH made accurate predictions of Olsen P threshold values with r 2 of 0.81 and P lower than 0.001

    Liderazgo y calidad de servicio al usuario del área de emergencia en un Hospital de Bagua, 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar si es que el liderazgo tiene influencia en la calidad de servicio al usuario del área de emergencia en un Hospital de Bagua, 2022. El nivel de investigación fue explicativa, correlacional causal, con un diseño no experimental, corte transversal, enfoque cuantitativo. Aplicando un cuestionario a 19 colaboradores y otro cuestionario a 205 usuarios, los resultados señalan que el 89.5% considera que el liderazgo está en un nivel regular. Mientras tanto, el área de emergencia en un Hospital de Bagua, regularmente desarrolla un Liderazgo Transformacional y Transaccional. Se concluye que Según el parámetro Pseudo R cuadrado de Nagelkerke indica que su modelo presenta que el 63.4%, si existe influencia positiva del liderazgo en la calidad de servicio a un nivel de ,634. Asimismo, el 80,5% manifiesta que la calidad de servicio es regular. Por lo tanto, el área de emergencia en un Hospital de Bagua, regularmente tiene seguridad, capacidad de respuesta, fiabilidad, empatía y elementos tangibles